How To Start A Blog Online And Make Money – Complete Guide
You are here to start a blog online. If you are thinking to promote your products or thinking to grow up your business or want to become a successive entrepreneur then you are on right place. In this long article we will learn that How To Start A Blog Online And Make Huge Money From It. This is our complete and step by step guide to become a pro blogger. To start a blog is quite easy but to survive with your new blog and make money with it is very difficult and hard.
You need to learn a lot of skills to run with your blog. Today in this world there is very high competition and if you are thinking to start a blog online then you must have a great passion of blogging. The blogging is free as well as it is expensive too, it depends on your satisfaction. You can start a blog online with Blogger or WordPress this not matters the only thing which matters is your hard working and uniqueness. You only have to write a great and unique content for your readers.
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How To Start A Blog Online And Make Money |
And in the very next post post we will also discuss that How You Can Make Money With Your Blog. Making money online is very cool and confident. But this is not quite easy it requires day and night hard work and sincerity with your work. Once your blog is published and start getting organic traffic then that will be time to start earning with that blog. There are hundreds of ways to earn online but the blogging is one of the best and long lasting way is only the blogging. Anyhow, lets start our Step By Step Guide To Start A Blog online.
How To Start A Blog Online And Make Money With Successful blogging?
We are going to start our guide to start a blog online. It is easy to start a blog of your own if you will work hard with it. Many peoples on the internet are doing part time blogging and a re making thousands of $$s with their blog. By only providing their personal experience to readers.Step#1. Choose Your Blog Topic (Niche) – For What Your Blog Is About ?
This is the main thing to keep in mind before start a blog online. Choose your niche wisely and think in which topic you’re interested and you not get bored while writing about that. Your niche is to be really smart and has a great scope in search engine. Some peoples start Blogs on personal diaries, this type of blogs cover all type of niches. But you have to choose that one In which you are interested and has a great knowledge.The best strategy to choose your niche is to keep a good balance between your interest and is profitable to its own sense. I don’t recommend to choose that niche which your are interested but the advertisers are not. Because you are going to start a blog online to earn money with it.
Suppose you are very interested to talk about news and politics. But you keep in mind the international scope of this topic. Then you only have to gather some important and specific content to post on your blog.
Some Important And Profitable Niches.
- Domain Names And Hosting.
- Recipes And Cooking
- Technology
- Android And IOS Apps
- SEO Tips And Tricks
- Online Tuting (Online Video Cast Teaching)
- Web Designing
I think these are the best niches to start a blog online and to start a huge making money with it, advertisers are also interested in these niches as well.
Step#2. Choose Domain Name For Your Blog.
Choosing a domain matters a lot in your blog SEO and indexing in search engines. I recommend you to buy domain name from popular and cheap domain companies i.e GoDaddy, Host Gator, Name Cheap and are some popular and cheap domain services.Domain’s SEO optimization is very important thing before buying. You have to use a primary keyword of your niche in your domain name. And do proper keyword research on Any Keyword Research Tools and stick with your results and buy the domain which must lead your blog niche and have a great search queries in search engines, this is very important before buy a domain and start a blog.
Step#3. Choose Blogging Platform And Web Hosting
Its time to choose your blogging platform to start a blog online, I recommend you to choose a plat form between Blogger And WordPress. If you are new to blogging and are starting still. Then I will say you choose Blogger because blogger is best for newbies and former bloggers If you are choosing Blogger then you not need to buy any web hosting because blogger provide free domain hosting to its users in this condition you only have to buy a domain name. If you don’t know that what blogger is? then you can read my post “What is Blogger And why we use this?” I think blogger and WordPress are the two best platforms to start a blog online.And if you want to choose WordPress then its good because you are going to invest some money to start a self hosted WP blog. WordPress is quite complicated to use but it is fabulous In this condition you have to buy a domain name as well as domain hosting too. Domain hosting is the space for your whole blog and your domain online. This allow you to upload your data to your own website but blogger does not allow. WP is best to start a blog online, i.e for profitable blogging.
Choosing a Web Hosting is difficult and wise decision. But I recommend you to choose a hosting platform between Host Gator And Blue Host. If Blue host provides 1 free domain with web hosting. You can choose any of them. But the Host Gator is Exceptional. So make you decision and step forward. To go to the Host Gator Click Here. These are the best to start a blog online.
Buy Blue Host web hosting to start a blog online in a very cheap rate they offers unlimited web hosting with bandwidth, subdomains and email accounts. To sign up click on the banner below.
Step#4. Blog And Domain Setup.
You have chosen your blog Domain Name, Web Hosting and Your favorite Platform. Now its time to setup your blog domain with blogger or If you have choose WordPress you need to first host your domain on your bought Web Hosting and then install WordPress script on your hosted domain.In Blogger it is very easy to setup a custom domain name and In WordPress this is easy but technical. But I am going to provide you some detailed posts on Blogger And WordPress setup. (start a blog online)
For Complete Guide To Blogger Custom Domain Read This Detailed Post..
In WordPress if you buy domain and web hosting individually then you need to first host your domain name on your hosting by adding the name servers to domain DNS then wait for 10 hours and then you can install latest WordPress version. (start a blog online)
If you start a blog online with WordPress then must read :
Step#5. Choose A Professional Looking Template to start a blog online.
You have complete blog on your own domain name and its time to give a professional and beautiful look to your blog. Blogger And WordPress also provides default themes but they are not so beautiful and SEO friendly. So, you have to choose a theme of your own choice, to start a blog that looks professional.Before choosing a theme you first have to see some qualities in it. Today blogging is very advance and you have to start with the increasing world and have to survive. SEO which is the main thing to learn before blogging and you blog template must be SEO friendly because it not cause and search bots crawling error in your blog. And search engines are able to easily crawl and index your blog. You can also buy a theme for MyThemeShop, they offers a lot of responsive and best WordPress themes. And if you go with WordPress I will recommend you to use the SoftPress WordPress Responsive Theme.
And If you will go with MyThemeShop to buy a theme for your WordPress blog then you can get a wondrous discount of 50% on all themes by just using my coupon code “Get50Discount” as I already mentioned that you can use this coupon code to get discount on all themes that you will purchase.
I have uploaded some best themes for blogger blogs to start a blog online.
Some Qualities In Best Theme.
- It must be SEO Friendly.
- It must be Responsive.
- It have professional design.
- It supports ad networks.
- It must have easy navigation for users.
Step#6. Create Social Profiles For You Blog Sharing
In present world social media matters a lot and has become great power to promote anything. So, I recommend you to create all your blogs social profile before start posting it will help your to share and bring visitors to your daily content, and this is also very important to drive traffic to your blog that you have just started and search engines also give credit to social media traffic. (Start a blog online)Latter on you will add some exceptional widgets in your blog for your social liking and subscription. Many bloggers on the internet are receiving their 70% traffic from social media and are earning good revenue. This is a great idea to use social media with blogging and regular sharing of your content to “Start A Blog online”.
I Recommend to must create these profiles for your blog sharing.
- Facebook Page
- Google +
- Twitter Account
- Pintrest
- YouTube Chanel
- LinkedIn Account
- Reddit Account
Step#7. Now Its Time To Bring Traffic (Start Posting)
Now your blog is completely ready so Its time to start posting. Drive traffic to your website is not so harder as you think but it is the most fun part when you involved in blogging. This entire process depends on your hard work. (start a blog online)Wanna build backlinks : How To Build High Quality backlinks for better SE Rankings
All the methods to drive traffic like submitting blog to directories and commenting on high PR sites and very less working now. You all need to focus on your content and regularity. The traffic which we wish to achieve is search engine traffic and latter on which help you to make money.
You only need to post you content regularly I recommend you to post at least two articles daily up to 500 to 600+ words. There is no limit for words you the matter is to clear the topic of the post which you can do in 300 or in 700 words it not matters. If you are in a niche then spy on you competitors and start posting good then they are posting. But here the quality matters a lot if you post quality posts then you have to chance to survive within very less time. So, keep an deep eye in your content’s quality.
And for maximum search engine traffic you have to optimize your blog for latest SEO updates and have to compete on search engines. You can read my these SEO Tips For Bloggers In 2015. And to rank your posts in search engines you have to do effective keyword research, and you can do a effective keyword research by using these best Keyword Research Tools for SEO. And the whole SEO of your blog matters a lot, this is very important to start a blog online.
By posting 2 article you will be able to get enough traffic and then you are on the earning spot with your online content. But there are many thing which you must do before start earning.
Step#8. Gather Mail Addresses Of You Readers.
Mail address is the way to reach you old users and recall them to your website. This can play a very important role to drive a great traffic to your content. After posting two articles at least 2 months Google will be able to send good amount of traffic to your website and that will be time to make a mailing list of your visitors. They will be your ever lasting traffic. You only have to capture your visitors and turn them into blog followers this can be possible with some tricks which I am providing you. And this can be the traffic source of of blog, and important to start a blog online.Email list is the contact info of your users on which you can send them your new and quality content that in this way they never forget your website ever. Users come to a website to solve their problem and when their problem is solved the takeoff from there. But you can ask them to leave their email address to your directory because latter in you can contact them.
How to Make A Huge Email List Of Readers?
I have a very good solution for your this problem. Visitors come to your web page does not remain for long time they come to your web page with a value they will leave if the content is not relevant to them. And the email address is the only way to call back to your old visitors and this is a best strategy for a blogger to do get the emails of his readers. To build a huge email list I am sharing some important and effective ways. (Start a blog online)Pop Up Email Subscription
I recommend you to use pop over widget. It is a small page which appears when a user land on your sites and it covers a small area. But these widgets remains unaffected by browser blockers. They cannot be skipped and dismissed my users at last the don’t sigh up by providing their email address. (start a blog online)You can customize these widgets according to your desire and can write a fabulous text, because it encourages the readers to subscribe. And the sign up procedure is so simple and easy user will not face any difficulty.
Ask your readers to subscribe via email
You can ask to your readers at the end of your post to subscribe your via email. Most of the visitors will subscribe to your news letter but the pop up subscription box is the best way to gain most readers. (start a blog online)These were a huge guide about “How To Start A Blog Online And Make Money Complete Guide” I hope you got my point in this whole post and now will be able to start a blog online. In the next post we will talk about how you can make money with your new blog that you have just started.
If you like this giant post which I have written after the research of lot of days then must share this on social media with your friends and subscribe us via email. And must give your feed back in comments or contact me if you want to ask any question or need any help.
Here is the second part of the series “How To Start A Blog And Make Money” You can read it by clicking on the link.