Accelerated Mobile Pages Boost Website Speed For Mobile
Back in October 2016, Google started a project “Accelerated Mobile Pages” (AMP) to increase the User Experience for Mobile/tablet users. Here in the article, you will be able to learn about AMP and how to use it on your WordPress Website complete method made easy for you.
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Accelerated Mobile Pages Boost Website Speed For Mobile. |
What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?
As the time passing the number of mobile and tablet users are increasing so, webmasters have to take care of the User Experience for the readers or visitors coming from mobile devices. Google started a project to help webmasters to increase the website speed and user experience called AMP which stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. Many big sites like The Guardian and many more websites are using this method.
AMP is normal HTML page and every APM document JS Java library that deliver optimum performance by adding and validating few roles. AMP CDN is a content delivery network which caches AMP enabled pages and shows to the visitors to boost your website speed as much as possible. Sounds Cool? 😉
Why Use Accelerated Mobile Pages?
People around the globe use mobile devices to reach different websites and if the website takes the time to load there are chances that user can leave as soon as he/she feel the website is slow or taking too long. 40% of users drop off after just 3 seconds, or they decided to install Ad Block because you website shows many ads and animations. You lose both visitor and the chance to show ad properly and generate money. So, Using Accelerated Mobile Pages can help you to increase your site readership but also, people will love to visit again and make some $$$$.
In Accelerated Mobile Pages Content is King and User Experience is Queen. AMP project dramatically improved the performance of mobile sites on the web. Google collaborated with many partners to take this initiative.
If you are a developer or want to learn more about the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, you can visit AMP Official Website.
Accelerated Mobile Pages on WordPress
As soon as Google announced the project, Automattic created AMP Plugin for WordPress Platform. But to make changes, they recommend another plugin named “AMP for WP.”
Install both plugins and follow the below guide to creating AMP version of your website. AMP For WP is really cool plugin if you are not a developer then you can use the plugin.
AMP SEO Factor
Recently Google Deindexed many websites with the low User experience. The Website Using AMP are having relative higher chance to get ranking in Google mobile search. Also, Google Index AMP website faster than Non-AMP. Also, Google shows small AMP text in the google search with the website using Accelerated Mobile Pages. So, Take Care of the User Experience and Enjoy Ranking in Google.
Features of AMP for WP.
- 3 Different Layouts.
- User-Friendly Backend.
- Track Mobile Visitors in Google Analytics
- Help you to Increase Ranking in Google
- Boost Traffic from Mobile Devices
- User-Friendly Menu
- Google AdSense Ads Supported
- Disqus commenting system Supported
- Floating Social Share Buttons
- Many Morel9
How to Install AMP WordPress Plugin?
The installation process is simple, just head over to your WordPress Dashboard and Click Plugins>Add New> Search “AMP.” This Plugin is installed over 1M+ times. After that, you have to install AMP for WP Plugin. Here is the Official Website of AMPforWP. Note: this plugin is only for simple websites/blogs not for Ecommerce or membership websites. AMPforWP will help you to make changes in your AMP Version of website design.
How to Setup AMP for WP Plugin?
After installation of both plugins, you will be able to see AMP option in your WordPress Dashboard. Click on AMP, and you will see Accelerated Mobile Pages Options by AMPforWP Plugin. As shown below.
On the left side, there is vertical menu by using which you can navigate to different options of AMP for WP.
Note: To see the AMP version of the Website put /amp at the end of URL. For Example:
For Example:
Setting Up Homepage
In this option, you can upload the logo of your website. As you can see, there is recommended the size of 190×36 px. You can use custom Size, but I saw the recommended size looks good on mobile. Want to see? Visit Blogging Hunt from your mobile device. Also, you can choose where you want your AMP on your website pages or not!
AMP for WP Analytics
In AMP for WP Plugin, there are 3 different Analytics provider’s you can use. Google Analytics, Segment Analytics or Piwik Analytics. In ordinary cases many webmasters use Google Analytics, so put the Google Analytics ID there. You can also use Google Tag Manager.
Accelerated Mobile Pages Design
The Plugin Offer 3 Different Designs for FREE that you can use on your Mobile version of the website. On Blogging Hunt I am using Design Three. Check all three designs and pick one you like or you can contact AMPforWP team and hire them to create the unique design for you if you can pay. There are many other options like the color scheme and Homepage slider and Search. Note: If your website is not HTTPS then you will not be able to use Search option because AMP pages should be on HTTPS.
SEO OF Accelerated Mobile Pages
The beauty of the plugin is that you don’t have to do On-page SEO again, this plugin use YOAST SEO Plugin details. You just have to enable or disable the Index or No Index pages according to your requirement.
Setting Up Menu in AMPforWP
In the Menu Option will not find any option except only one link to Menage Menu Section of your WordPress dashboard. Where you can see AMP Menu and AMP Footer Menu select the menu you want to show or create a new one if you want a different one for mobile users.
AMP AdSense Advertisement
To show AdSense Ads on your AMP Post or Pages, you have to use this section. Use desired Ad Position and Put AdSense Publisher ID and Ad ID.
NOTE: This Ads section only use AdSense ads. If you want to place ads from other networks like, Outbrain, etc. you have to buy the extension from AMPforWP Official Website.
AMP Single Post Options
In this section, you can edit the single post options. Like Number of Related Posts, Social Icons, content, Post title, featured image, etc.
Social Share & Profile AMPforWP Plugin
Here you can select which social share button for AMP pages. Note: To enable facebook social share icon you have to create Facebook App. To do that visit Facebook App Developers. Also, If you are using Design three then you have to put social media profiles link that you want.